#22: Mill Creek Lookout/Mill Creek Ridge • 7 mi • gravel, dirt, downed trees


Mill Creek Lookout breaks off of the end of Mill Creek Road onto a rugged path and claws its way from the bottom of the valley onto the ridge top that’s been sharpened over the millennia by the north and south forks of Mill Creek running parallel on either side. It’s remote, 4-wheelers-and-shotgun-shells territory up here, so make sure you have everything you need in the event of a double-flat-broken-derailleur-type scenario.

The end of Mill Creek Ridge has been abandoned, and has a 1.5-mile stretch with 100 or so abandoned trees (as of 2019-ish), so I had to lug my bike over and around about 100 trees for a mostly-unrideable 1.5-mile stretch. You’re better off veering left/straight to stay on the ridgeline and go up toward NF-17/Surveyor’s Ridge. Check out OMTM’s “Mosier Creek Mayhem, Mill Creek Edition for a really good way to ride this road.